Disney Princess Weekend
My favorite race so far was the Disney races at the end of February. I ran in the family 5k with my two sons Jeffry and Brent & my granddaughter Jordan. We were supposed to be in the stroller division but my granddaughter insisted on running the whole race. To our surprise she did... She refused to stop for water or pictures because she said, "Papa I have to win." All the photographers insisted she was the youngest one out there but that didn't stop her motivation. My son Brent finished the race in 24:00 and Jeffry, Jordan and I finished in minutes 40 minutes. Great job Jordan, we are so proud of you!

Then the next day ran the Princess half with my Daughter-in-law and Marketing Director Jenny Schwenneker. After a long day of racing the day before we had to be at Disney by 4:00am and in our corral by 5:00am. We made our corral just as the gun went off. It was very crowded and we spent most of our energy weaving in and out of the crowds trying to find our pace. We really pushed each other and were able to PR. I finished with a time of: 1:58:52 and Jenny finished with a time of: 1:59:47
Now we are looking forward to the 10k on March 24th. Track Shack is hosting the 35th Annual Winter Park Road Race presented by Florida Hospital. Our whole office is joining so please let us know if you want to race with team Schwenn. Email Jenny at jennifer@schwennservices.com for more details. We would love to see you there! Click here for more Details.
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